
GitLab Blog Posts Publication Date Reference 2023-04-14 SourceWarp: Make data-driven, agile DevSecOps decisions 2022-09-27 A Google Summer of Code project: creating a benchmarking framework for SAST 2022-05-26 Lingo: A Go micro language framework for building Domain Specific Languages 2022-02-16 Introducing a community-driven advisory database for third-party software dependencies 2021-12-21 How to tailor SAST and Secret Detection to your application context with custom rulesets 2021-09-28 SemVer versioning: how we handled it with linear interval arithmetic 2021-09-08 How to write and continuously test vulnerability detection rules for SAST Tutorials Publication Date Reference 2022-04-08 A KISS (keep it short and simple) MagpieBridge server implementation to build custom IDE integrations based on LSP (IT) News articles Publication Date Reference 2023-05-27 Snake programmieren mit Lua und Löve published in Golem.
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Custom REPL in Clojure

A read-eval-print loop (REPL) is an interactive environment that reacts to user-input. REPL-driven development is a very interactive programming style with a short feedback cycle enabling developers to evolve their projects and try new features quickly. Tools like MatLab, RStudio, Gnu Octave are REPL-based because one of their major use-cases is (scientific) experimentation and exploration for which short feedback cycles are essential. For example, imagine a data-scientist has the task of correlating data samples in a meaningful way.
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